K4 Standards
K4 Readiness
- Uses complete sentences
- Uses acceptable grammar
- Pronounces and enunciates correctly
- Looks at and uses books correctly
- Shows interest in listening to books
- Retells familiar stories
- Pronounces own first name
- Pronounces own first and last names
- Recognizes own name in print
- Writes own name in print
- Identifies other children by name
- Expresses self using pictures and symbols
- Writes using symbols and letters
- Demonstrates 1 to 1 correspondence
- Compares amounts
- Classifies objects
- Sorts by color
- Sorts by shape
- Sorts by size
- Rote counting
- Recognizes numerals
- Recognizes colors
- Recognizes shapes
- Knows position words
K4 Personal Development
- Self-confident of God-given abilities
- Separates easily from care-giver
- Shows respect to adults
- Is polite and courteous
- Respects rights and property of others
- Keeps hands to self
- Interacts well with others
- Works independently
- Follows classroom rules
- Follows simple directions
- Follows multi-step directions
- Awake and alert in class
- Demonstrates attentive behavior
- Listens well in group situations
- Cooperates in group activities
- Participates in games, songs, and finger plays
- Engages in social problem solving
- Has good clean up habits
- Participates in class discussions
- Shows positive attitude towards school activities
- Completes tasks in class
- Uses time efficiently
- Completes homework
K4 Letter Recognition
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
K4 Motor Skills
- Fine Motor - (write, cut, glue)
- Eye-hand Coordination
- Gross Motor - (run, jump, balance)
- Body Coordination
Article Details
Date added:
25-Dec-2021 4:00pm