List Student Email Addresses

The student email address field is not part of the student's table in the PowerSchool database and is not easily accessible for the list students function. However, there is a PowerQuery that can be used in the Quick Student Export.

  1. Select the group of students to use in the export.
  2. Select Quick Student Export from the Actions menu in the lower right of the start page.
  3. Enter the fields to export, one on each line.
  4. The student email can listed here using: ~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.core.dats.students.student_email)

To see a list of students without an email address, change the PowerQuery to: ^(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.core.dats.students.student_email;no-rows-message=No Email)

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16-Aug-2024 8:34am
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